Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Father's Day Reflection - Intro to Summer Series

          Simply and Beautifully Woman Newsletter
Back From Jerusalem!
April 27, 2013                                                                             
A Father's Day Reflection:
Today I glanced at my Dad's picture.
The tears came right away. Boy do I miss him! He was just so happy, supportive, encouraging and complimentary.  It's been 12 years since he left us, but Do you know how very nice it was to have someone in your life who always seemed to be on your side?
                It was pretty sweet!
My father taught me two very important lessons in life. 
One is you are never too  young or old an old woman to draw closer to Christ . 
Even with my Dad's terrific personality, friendliness, energy, and goodness, there were a few times in his life when he did some "not so good things".
My father met a holy man who helped him understand how he could ask God to forgive him and  he taught him how he could turn things "around" so that he could begin loving more like Christ. 
My Dad had a second chance and
he took it! What a guy! 
I am so proud to be his daughter!
Two: that one of the best ways to love God is to love others greatly in the little everyday things of life. He preached this up to his death.
He wanted us to remember.
 Yes!  Even helping someone get a drink of water!
Coming next week: 
 Women and Addictions
A mid- summer series
Have you ever wondered why someone gets addicted? Why they stay addicted? Why they find it so hard to turn their life around? 
Is that addict you? Could it be me?
Gambling  Pornography
Computer Games 
Let's explore how we get to that simple and beautiful part of being a woman from the starting point of addiction
Will write Thursdays and Sundays. 
Would love to hear from you.
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